Choosing the Right Style: Designing Your Beard/Mustache Transplant

Beard and mustache transplants have given full facial hair customization to many patients, such as those who:

  • Can’t grow facial hair at all
  • Can develop facial hair in some spots naturally, but not in every area they want it
  • Only experience patchy, inconsistent facial hair growth
  • Are transgender and physically transitioning to male


But since hair transplantation is surgery, it’s important to plan exactly where you want the additional hair ahead of time to avoid extra follow-up treatments and an extended recovery. You’ll have plenty of options to consider when crafting your ultimate masculine look.


Mustache and Beard Transplants in the Bay Area

At Blackhawk Hair Restoration in Danville, California, we provide multiple types of hair rejuvenation treatments depending on patient needs and aesthetic goals. During your initial consultation, you will be seen by one of our hair restoration experts at our state of the art facility led by Dr. Stephen J. Ronan.

After carefully reviewing your medical history and observing your symptoms, we will also need to make sure you have enough donor hair available to obtain your desired look. Additionally, you’ll want to learn how the new hair on your face will complement your other facial features.

Based on these considerations, your objectives, and other patient-specific factors, your new style could include adding, reshaping, or enhancing one or more of these facial hair details: 



Of course, deciding whether or not you prefer to have hair above the upper lip is crucial. While some patients might only want to add the mustache, don’t forget that it also goes hand-in-hand with a goatee or beard (but not always). 



Chin hair is also on the front of the face (and an equally important part of the goatee). There are two main sections of chin hair: the medial pillar and the lateral pillars.

The medial pillar runs directly from the center of the bottom lip to the middle of the chin. Meanwhile, the lateral pillars extend down on either side from the corners of the mouth. You could add hair to just the medial pillar, the two lateral pillars, or all three.


Genian Area

Past the lateral pillars (before the sideburns) are the genian areas. These include all the hair on the cheeks, stretching down to the jawline. When planning your new beard, one thing to think about is how high you want the genian areas to go.



While sideburns on their own might not be as popular as they once were, they’re often a critical component of a rugged beard. Do you want them to be just as thick as your beard? Or should they get gradually thinner as they approach your scalp?


Learn More About Hair Restoration for Men

Getting the masculine, symmetrical, and natural-looking facial hair you desire comes down to personal preference, but also choosing an experienced and skilled provider. To talk through your options, contact Blackhawk Hair Restoration today to set up your no-cost, no-obligation consultation!

Hair Loss Prevention: Lifestyle, Diet, and Stress Management Tips

Hair Loss Prevention: Lifestyle, Diet, and Stress Management Tips

Hair Loss Prevention: Lifestyle, Diet, and Stress Management Tips

Conveniently located in Danville to serve the entire Bay Area - San Ramon, Alamo, Walnut Creek, Moraga, Lafayette, Dublin, Pleasanton, Orinda, Castro Valley, Livermore
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Ever wondered about maintaining lush, healthy hair in the vibrant and fashion-forward Bay Area? Explore beyond solutions like follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Discover simple lifestyle, diet, and stress management changes that can be applied for effective hair loss prevention in the Bay Area.

Let us share key lifestyle choices, dietary habits, and stress management techniques that can be crucial factors in understanding how to stop hair loss.

Understanding Hair Loss

If you want to learn how to stop your hairline from receding, it would help to understand the underlying causes of hair loss. Factors such as genetics, hormonal imbalances, and environmental stressors can contribute to hair thinning and receding hairlines. But fear not, by taking a proactive approach, you can manage these concerns and enjoy a fuller, healthier head of hair.

Lifestyle Choices Matter

Exercise Regularly for Hair Health

Regular physical activity not only benefits your overall health but also plays a critical role in preventing hair loss. Exercise improves blood circulation, ensuring that essential nutrients reach your hair follicles. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week, whether it’s brisk walking, jogging, or cycling.

Balanced Diet for Hair Loss Prevention

A nutrient-rich diet is fundamental for maintaining a healthy head of hair. Include a variety of foods in your meals, focusing on those rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Leafy greens, nuts, seeds, lean meats, and fish are excellent choices. Additionally, stay hydrated, as water is crucial for maintaining the health of your hair and scalp.

Diet and Nutritional Supplements

Hair Loss Prevention Diet in the Bay Area

Take advantage of the local, fresh produce available in the Bay Area to enhance your hair health. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, contribute to hair strength and vitality. Incorporate these into your diet to promote optimal hair health in the Bay Area’s unique climate.

Supplements for Healthy Hair

While a well-balanced diet is vital, consider supplements to fill nutritional gaps. Biotin, iron, and specific vitamins, like B-complex vitamins, are known to support hair health. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the right supplements for your needs and avoid any potential side effects.

Stress Management Techniques for Hair Loss Prevention

Meditation and Relaxation 

Chronic stress can trigger hair loss, making stress management techniques essential. Engage in regular meditation or mindfulness practices to reduce stress levels. These techniques not only contribute to a healthier scalp environment but also improve overall well-being. 

Regular Sleep Patterns

Quality sleep is crucial for repairing and rejuvenating cells, including those responsible for hair growth. Establish a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Create a relaxing bedtime routine to promote better sleep quality.

Maintaining a Healthy Scalp

Gentle Hair Care Practices

Harsh chemicals in hair care products and excessive heat styling can damage hair follicles. Opt for sulfate-free and gentle hair care products. Minimize the use of heat-styling tools and, when necessary, use a heat protectant to reduce the risk of damage.

Scalp Massage for Improved Circulation

Regular scalp massages can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting a healthy environment for hair growth. Use gentle circular motions with your fingertips to massage your scalp regularly. Consider incorporating essential oils like lavender or rosemary for added benefits.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Are you ready to take the first step toward hair loss prevention in the Bay Area? Our team of experts at Blackhawk Plastic Surgery is dedicated to helping you achieve a fuller, healthier set of hair. Contact us to schedule your consultation. Take control of your hair health now!

Contact Us to Learn More

Set up an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Stephen Ronan by calling (925)736-5757 today and learn if you are a good candidate for FUT in Danville. At Blackhawk Hair Restoration, we will help you find a lasting solution to hair loss.

“From the moment I walked in my experience was amazing. The staff is friendly and highly knowledgeable and the work done there is unmatched! “

Real Patient

“I came to San Francisco to get things done I’m not able to do at home in Japan. The staff accomidated my tight schedule and everyone was very helpful and friendly. “
Real Patient

“I could not have been more pleased with my experience at BPS! The staff were positive and professional from the very start. They checked in on me throughout the process… “

Real Patient

Say Goodbye to Hair Loss with FUE Treatments

Say Goodbye to Hair Loss with FUE Treatments

Conveniently located in Danville to serve the entire Bay Area - San Ramon, Alamo, Walnut Creek, Moraga, Lafayette, Dublin, Pleasanton, Orinda, Castro Valley, Livermore
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Hair loss is a fairly common problem that only gets worse as people age, which is why follicular unity extraction (FUE) is so popular these days. It’s one of the most effective ways to get back the thick, luscious, and healthy locks that are lost either due to getting older or because of genetics. Whatever the case, there’s a lot about FUE treatments that patients need to know.

What Is Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a condition that everyone has to go through at some point to varying levels of severity. It’s just something that happens, either due to age progression or a hereditary issue. However, in its most basic form, hair loss is simply what happens when hair follicles close up and no longer work as they should.

No new hair is being produced, thus all the strands that were lost are not replaced. This is something that can take on many forms, as well. The most typical is the bald spots, which are patches of the scalp where hair no longer grows. It can either be the spiral formation on top of the head or the receding of the hairline.

There are less-common examples, however, where bald spots can occur on atypical areas of the scalp such as the sides. Such cases can usually be due to illness or substance abuse.

What Causes Hair Loss?

As any reputable hair-loss expert would be able to tell patients, there are a number of reasons why they are losing their luscious locks. Age and genetics are two of the most common, but certain health conditions, medication, or even wearing tight headwear on a regular basis can be contributing factors. Harsh products that they use on their hair could also damage the scalp, along with the follicles.

What patients need to look out for is which cause applies to them. It’s normal to shed some strands every now and then, with different people losing them at different rates. If this changes for the worse for no apparent reason, patients should schedule a consultation right away.

How Does FUE Fix Hair Loss?

Hair restoration has gotten a lot more refined since it first became available to a wider market a few decades ago. FUE is an effective method of fixing hair loss due to how precise, effective, and reliable it is. It’s simply a matter of transferring healthy hair follicles from one place on the scalp to another. This is done in a controlled manner, which allows for optimal results with fewer side effects.

The best part about using this method is how easy it is to ensure that the target areas get exactly the number of transplanted follicles that they need. Gaps then become less of a problem.

Find Out More About FUE Treatments

For more details about FUE treatments, patients can contact us and schedule a consultation. Set up your informative appointment today.

Contact Us to Learn More

Set up an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Stephen Ronan by calling (925)736-5757 today and learn if you are a good candidate for FUT in Danville. At Blackhawk Hair Restoration, we will help you find a lasting solution to hair loss.

“From the moment I walked in my experience was amazing. The staff is friendly and highly knowledgeable and the work done there is unmatched! “

Real Patient

“I came to San Francisco to get things done I’m not able to do at home in Japan. The staff accomidated my tight schedule and everyone was very helpful and friendly. “
Real Patient

“I could not have been more pleased with my experience at BPS! The staff were positive and professional from the very start. They checked in on me throughout the process… “

Real Patient

How the ARTAS Robot Is Modernizing Hair Restoration

How the ARTAS Robot Is Modernizing Hair Restoration

Conveniently located in Danville to serve the entire Bay Area - San Ramon, Alamo, Walnut Creek, Moraga, Lafayette, Dublin, Pleasanton, Orinda, Castro Valley, Livermore
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In recent years, the field of hair restoration has experienced a groundbreaking transformation with the introduction of the ARTAS Robot. This state-of-the-art technology represents the epitome of modernity, redefining the way hair transplantation is performed. With its precision, speed, and efficiency, the ARTAS Robot has revolutionized the industry and provided new hope to those suffering from hair loss.

Game-Changing Robotics Technology

At the heart of the ARTAS Robot’s ingenuity lies its integration of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). Developed by Restoration Robotics, this robotic system utilizes advanced algorithms and machine learning to deliver accurate and efficient hair-transplant procedures.

The AI-driven software assists in the identification and selection of the healthiest hair follicles, ensuring optimal results for patients. This integration of cutting-edge technologies sets the ARTAS Robot apart, elevating the standard of hair-restoration procedures.

Incredible Precision Guided by Imaging

One of the most remarkable features of the ARTAS Robot is its image-guided precision. The system utilizes high-definition cameras to create a 3D map of the patient’s scalp. This map is then analyzed in real-time by the AI, allowing the robot to identify and target individual hair follicles with unparalleled accuracy.

The precision of the ARTAS Robot minimizes damage to surrounding hair, reduces scarring, and enhances the overall natural appearance of transplanted hair.

Customized Hairline Design

Creating a natural and aesthetically pleasing hairline is crucial for the success of any hair-restoration procedure. The ARTAS Robot’s advanced technology allows for precise customization of the hairline design.

By analyzing factors such as hair density, growth pattern, and facial symmetry, the robot ensures that the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with the patient’s existing hair.

Real-Time Monitoring and Adjustment

During the transplantation process, the ARTAS Robot constantly monitors the condition of the patient’s scalp. If any changes occur, such as movement or shifting of the head, the robot automatically adjusts its position to maintain accuracy. This real-time monitoring feature minimizes the risk of errors and ensures that the robot delivers optimal results.

Speed and Efficiency

The ARTAS Robot’s speed and efficiency are truly awe-inspiring. Unlike manual hair transplantation, which can be a time-consuming process, the robot can harvest and transplant thousands of hair follicles in a single session.

The AI algorithm enables swift identification and extraction of viable grafts, ensuring that the overall procedure time is considerably reduced. Because of this, patients can expect to achieve their desired results in fewer sessions.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

Traditionally, hair transplantation involved invasive procedures, such as strip harvesting, which resulted in larger scars and longer recovery times. The ARTAS Robot has transformed this aspect of the process by offering a minimally invasive solution.

ARTAS uses a small punch tool to extract individual hair follicles, leaving tiny, nearly imperceptible punctures in the donor area. This minimizes discomfort, greatly reduces scarring, and significantly shortens the recovery period.

Arrange a Consultation

With its cutting-edge features and remarkable potential, Blackhawk Hair Restoration offers the ARTAS Robot for outstanding hair-restoration outcomes. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out if you are an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Contact Us to Learn More

Set up an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Stephen Ronan by calling (925)736-5757 today and learn if you are a good candidate for FUT in Danville. At Blackhawk Hair Restoration, we will help you find a lasting solution to hair loss.

“From the moment I walked in my experience was amazing. The staff is friendly and highly knowledgeable and the work done there is unmatched! “

Real Patient

“I came to San Francisco to get things done I’m not able to do at home in Japan. The staff accomidated my tight schedule and everyone was very helpful and friendly. “
Real Patient

“I could not have been more pleased with my experience at BPS! The staff were positive and professional from the very start. They checked in on me throughout the process… “

Real Patient

Your Guide to Hair Transplant Recovery

Your Guide to Hair Transplant Recovery

Conveniently located in Danville to serve the entire Bay Area - San Ramon, Alamo, Walnut Creek, Moraga, Lafayette, Dublin, Pleasanton, Orinda, Castro Valley, Livermore
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A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves the transplantation of hair follicles from one part of the scalp, typically the back or sides of the head, to areas experiencing hair loss or thinning. It is a highly effective method for restoring hair growth and can significantly improve one’s appearance. However, to achieve the best results and minimize complications during hair transplant recovery, proper wound healing and post-operative care are crucial.

Your Post-Operative To-Do’s

  • Listen carefully to the post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Stephen J. Ronan and adhere to them diligently. These guidelines are tailored specifically to address your individual needs.
  • Gently wash your hair and scalp as instructed by your surgeon. Use a mild non-medicated shampoo, and avoid scrubbing or rubbing the transplanted area. Be careful not to dislodge the grafts during the washing process.
  • Resist the urge to touch, scratch, or pick at the transplanted area. Doing so can disturb the grafts and impede the healing process. Keep your hands away from your scalp unless necessary for washing or applying prescribed medications.
  • Shield your scalp from direct sunlight for the first few weeks following the surgery. Sun exposure can harm the healing grafts and give the sensitive scalp a sunburn. If you need to be outside, wear a wide-brimmed hat or use a scarf to cover the transplanted area.
  • Refrain from engaging in strenuous exercises or activities that may cause sweating, especially during the initial healing phase. Sweat can irritate the transplanted area and increase the risk of infection.
  • You may be prescribed antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications to prevent infection and reduce swelling. Follow the prescribed dosage and complete the entire course of medication as directed.
  • Applying ice packs to the scalp can help reduce swelling and discomfort after the hair transplant. However, ensure that you follow your surgeon’s instructions on when and how to use ice packs to avoid any adverse effects.
  • For the first few nights after the surgery, sleep with your head elevated to minimize swelling and promote blood circulation to the scalp.
  • Alcohol consumption and smoking can negatively impact the healing process. They can reduce blood flow to the scalp and impair the body’s ability to heal effectively. Refrain from alcohol and smoking for several weeks before and after the surgery.
  • Stay patient, as hair transplant results take time to fully manifest. It is normal for the transplanted hair to fall out in the weeks following the procedure, so there is no reason for alarm. New hair growth typically begins within a few months, and final results may take up to a year.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Some mild bleeding is normal immediately after the surgery. However, if bleeding persists or becomes excessive, seek medical attention promptly. Pay attention to any unexpected allergic reactions to medications or topical solutions used during post-operative care.

While some level of discomfort is expected after the procedure, severe or persistent pain should be reported. Ingrown hairs can occur as new hair starts to grow. If you experience ingrown hairs, avoid plucking or pulling them out. Instead, consult Dr. Ronan for appropriate management of this issue.

Contact Us to Learn More

Knowing what to expect during hair transplant recovery is a vital part of the process. Contact Blackhawk Hair Restoration today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ronan.

Contact Us to Learn More

Set up an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Stephen Ronan by calling (925)736-5757 today and learn if you are a good candidate for FUT in Danville. At Blackhawk Hair Restoration, we will help you find a lasting solution to hair loss.

“From the moment I walked in my experience was amazing. The staff is friendly and highly knowledgeable and the work done there is unmatched! “

Real Patient

“I came to San Francisco to get things done I’m not able to do at home in Japan. The staff accomidated my tight schedule and everyone was very helpful and friendly. “
Real Patient

“I could not have been more pleased with my experience at BPS! The staff were positive and professional from the very start. They checked in on me throughout the process… “

Real Patient